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ADFS: SSO setup
Aaron Strickland avatar
Written by Aaron Strickland
Updated over 2 years ago

Step 1: Configure a Relying Party Trust

Open the AD FS Management console.

Click “Relying Party Trusts” on the left sidebar.

Open the “AD FS Relying Party Trust Wizard” by clicking “Add Relying Party Trust...” on the right sidebar.

Select “Claims aware” and then “Start”.

Step 2: Download the provided Metadata file

Note: To download the Metadata file, you must ensure you have 'Admin' access on Perkbox to access 'Settings', then 'Integration' to continue with the setup.

Select “Import data about the relying party from a file,” then select the SP Metadata file you downloaded, then click “Next”.

Select “Permit everyone” and then “Next”.

To continue further, you must ensure you have 'Admin' access on Perkbox to access 'Settings', then 'Integration' to finish the setup.

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