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How to: Add Users & Admins to Perkbox
How to: Add Users & Admins to Perkbox

Manage your people's access to Perkbox

Amber Ogunleye avatar
Written by Amber Ogunleye
Updated over 2 months ago

As an admin, you are able to add and deactivate users within the 'People' section of your Admin dashboard. You can choose to add / deactivate individual users, or bulk upload multiple people via CSV.

Add single person

Adding a single person is good for small teams or updating your people when you have a new starter or leaver.

Step One: login to Perkbox and enter Admin view

Step Two: Select 'People'

Step Three: Select 'Add new people'

Step Four: Select 'Add single person'

When adding an individual user, there are some compulsory fields to complete and these are; First name, Last name and Email address. There are a few optional fields including:

  • First name - The person's first name (required)

  • Last name - The person's last name (required)

  • Email address - The person's work email address (required)

  • Date of birth - Optional but recommended. Having this data will allow to you have the option to create celebrations and /or rewards based on people’s birthdays

  • Employment start date - Optional but highly recommended. Having this data will allow you to create celebrations and/or rewards based on people’s work anniversaries

  • Team - The person's team. This field is optional, but highly recommended. It must match up to a team you have already created on Perkbox.

  • Role - Available access levels are “User” and “Admin”. Use one of these words to denote the access level.

  • External ID - This field is optional. An identifier you use in your own systems for your employees e.g. payroll or employee number. This can be used to help reconcile your employees on the platform if their email addresses change.

Step Five: Once you have completed all the relevant fields select 'Add'

Once a user has been added to the Perkbox platform they will automatically receive a Perkbox welcome email with details on how to activate their Perkbox account - so make sure you don't add anyone before your Perkbox launch date or before you'd like them to have access to the platform.

Add multiple people by CSV

Inviting in bulk is great for when you're first setting up, have a large number of employees, and want to add everyone simultaneously.

Step One: login to Perkbox and enter Admin view

Step Two: Select 'People'

Step Three: Select 'Add new people'

Step Four: Select 'Add multiple people by CSV'

Step Five: Select the country you are adding people to, and select 'Continue'. You can only add users to one country at a time. Please ensure that all the users in your CSV spreadsheet belong to the same country.

Step Six: Download and complete the CSV template. As with adding a single person, there are some mandatory fields and some optional fields.

Step Seven: Upload your CSV file. You'll be asked to check the mapping is accurate. Once the check is complete select 'invite X people' to complete the import

Once a user has been added to the Perkbox platform they will automatically receive a Perkbox welcome email with details on how to activate their Perkbox account - so make sure you don't add anyone before your Perkbox launch date or before you'd like them to have access to the platform.

Modifying and downloading user data

You can edit or delete multiple user's data via the Modify User menu. This is completed via CVS upload. When modifying data we recommend you download a list of your current data and work from this to modify.

You can edit or deactivate a single user's data via the 'Edit' button on the right of their record in the people list.

You can download a list of all your users (both active and deactivated) by selecting the 'Download people list'. Here you can either download your whole user base, or a filtered list.

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