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Where is my password reset / domain email?

I didn't receive the reset password or domain reminder email.

Sofie White avatar
Written by Sofie White
Updated over 2 months ago

Check your spam / junk folder

Sometimes our notification emails can land in your spam or junk folder, so please double-check these to see if they’ve ended up there! Alternatively, you can search your inbox for all emails from

Company whitelist

Some companies may have a ‘whitelist’ that only allows authorised emails through to your inbox, and our emails may be blocked from coming through if we’re not on that list. If the problem persists then please speak to your Perkbox admin (usually someone in HR/management) to address the issue with your IT department. They may find our article, Email Domain & IP Whitelisting, helpful.

Double-check the email address associated with your Perkbox account

If the email address you’ve entered to reset your password or request your company domain isn’t associated with any Perkbox account, then you won’t receive an email. The team are unable to confirm your email address as it’s part of the security features included in the login process, so if you’re not sure which email is associated with your account, then you’ll need to speak with your Perkbox admin.

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